The Names That Have Been Sent An E-Mail

Nadia Barid
Zuhera Geo
Marlina Ina
Yusnidar Geografi
Agus salim Aceh
Safrina Ayu
Nur Rahmi
Cutella Rovina
Nazriani Azizy
Supriani Ppw


Recently been launched New Lenovo smartbook already available in the market, if you want to buy please contact us for more information

Check what's new in lenovo smartbook

Processor • Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 1GHz
Operating System • Lenovo Skylight
Video & Display • 10.1-inch
• 1280 x 720
Storage • 20GB with 2GB online
Input/Output Ports • 2 x USB 2.0
• 1 x HDMI
• SD Card slot
Misc • 10h battery life (Manufacturer's rating)
Dimensions • 252mm (L) x 201mm (W) x 16mm (H)
• 87g

Choosing Carefully Laptop

Two years ago I find out laptop what about some good for my office. After seeking further information, I finally got the information that the brand "HP" good compared to other brands. I decided to buy the brand with the specifications of the best.
I bought a model G1S. When I first bought it, the screen there is a problem, but because it was new finally replaced the unit new. For that I've felt disappointed for brands that say good, how can new goods damaged, how QC (Quality controlnya) work.
Brand is said warranty international for two years, and just two years one month, the screen is not alive. I had to take it to the dealer for repair through a friend of mine who sells computers.
Finally I asked him to help me to carry the laptop repaired at the dealership. However, it turns out the dealer field can not be correct and should be brought to Jakarta for repairs to worn fare transport Rp 200,000.
After the check is expressed VGA cardnya burned. Having to wait and office work can not be postponed forced me to buy a new laptop to wait for the laptop while improved. After waiting more than 1 month I asked again why have not finished while the laptop to be used in the office.
Apparently the answer from the dealer he said VGA cardnya empty and had to wait. As a customer, I asked him to wait how long and the answer from the dealer must wait approximately 5-6 months to indent sparepart following repairs.
Of course I do not want, why wait so long for the spare parts are. (should be if indent pake aircraft does not need more than 1 week). I decided to pull the laptop from the dealer to be charged the cost of transport of Rp 200,000.
Previously, I also recommended to some friends to choose the brand laptop, the fact that I can be a disappointment. From this experience I suggest that readers cautious choosing a laptop.
Hasan, ST
Jl. Rahmadsyah Gg. Batere No. 32

HP Mini 210 netbook-1014TU with Intel Atom N450

In early January 2010, began to lay new Intel Atom processor N450 with the speed that is equal to N280, but can live longer because the consumption of fewer resources. HP Mini-210 is 1014TU one. Specifications:

Intel ® Atom ™ Processor N450 (1.66 GHz, 512 KB Cache)
Intel NM10
Standard Memory 1 GB DDR2 SDRAM PC-6400
Max. Memory 2 GB (1 DIMM)
Video Type Intel ® GMA 3150 256 MB (shared)
Display Size: 10.1 "LED WSVGA (1024 x 600)
Hard Drive Type SATA 160 GB 5400 RPM
10/100 Mbps Network Speed
Wireless Network Protocol IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g
Keyboard Type QWERTY 86 keys
Card Reader Provided 5-in-1 Reader for SD / MMC / MS / MSPro / xD cards
Interface Provided 3x USB 2.0, VGA, LAN, Audio
Webcam Yes
O / S Provided None
3-cell Battery
Dimension (WHD) 2.83 x 26.8 x 17.8 cm
1:22 Weight kg

Use traditional processor-efficient new generation resources
The screen is LED tech
Form of elegant, comfortable keyboard and touchpad in the hands
Prices, especially for those who intend to install the Linux operating system

Operating system does not exist, if you want Windows XP / Windows 7, need to buy separately or select another type
Relatively small hard drive, because other brands are offering 250GB or 320GB
Processor speed is equal to the HP Mini 1013 with the Intel Atom N280 selling so last year
Memory still need to be upgraded to 2GB in order not to seem slow
January 2010 Price: $ 299 (about USD 2.7 to 2.8 million)
Download drivers, manuals, spec, etc from HP Website

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Macam-macam Bisnis Online yang menjanjikan
Recently many people want to buy a proven technology devices can help and facilitate a person's job. Device technology of the most highly sought-after people are personal computers, notebooks and netbooks that cost is affordable.
In my area of personal computers, notebooks and netbooks sold $ 300 price range up to $ 2500, that price includes an official from the manufacture warranty.
Kembanyaka buyer is a young group, workers, students and students. They spent the funds for purchases of information technology equipment other than computers is the modems that connect to the internet biased. Their average monthly spend $ 100 to connect to the internet


Did you know that you could now buy laptops for less than $300 USD and for less than 10% of their original selling price?

And did you know that you could buy laptops that have been unused for less than 10% - 30% of their original selling price?

And did you know than you could buy laptops online, and get rebates of $100 per purchase?

Hi, my name is Joel Mangilit. This short e-book is about helping you buy a cheap laptop, whether used, refurbished, or brand new.

Here you will learn the best laptop brands, the most popular models, and where you can buy cheap laptops online.

Learn all you need to know to make an informed decision before buying a laptop